Monday, April 12, 2010

Get The Chicken

The Angelo State Rams set a conference record this past weekend by hitting five triples in one game. The previous record was four, set by Eastern New Mexico and dated back to 1994. The record had been tied eight times, but was never bested until this past weekend. Several fans have asked what the dugout yells as a player runs around the bases.

If it looks as though as player has a chance at getting a triple, the dugout erupts “GET THE CHICKEN.” More often than not, this occurs after a single player first yells the phrase. From there it becomes an indistinguishable roar until the player reaches third. The genesis of the phrase comes from Rocky II. In the movie, Rocky chases a chicken to train for an upcoming fight. As his coach Mickey tells him, “If you can catch this thing, you can catch greased lightning.”
So, like Mick, the dugout adds words of encouragement as our players round the bases. Strangely, due to this phrase, the word “triple” has been absent for quite some time in the Angelo State locker room. For example:

“Isaac Garcia only needed to get the chicken for the cycle.” Or “Clay Puckett was 2 for 4 on the day with a single and a chicken.”

The Rams play in Durant, Oklahoma this coming weekend, but return to Foster Field the following Tuesday against Hardin Simmons at 6 pm. We hope you can help us cheer:

“Get The Chicken”


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Celebrity Look-a-Likes

Everyone knows that the off-field antics from baseball can be a great deal of fun, especially when they are comical. When you have 40 young men, who spend a great deal of time together, the resulting conversations and actions can be down right hysterical. Everyone knows about the camaraderie that is associated with playing on a team. This one is no different. The boys have come together and are treating each other like any other team in the nation. We razz each other to no end. With that comes the celebrity look-a-likes. Sometimes they are just uncanny, and others, may just be comical. I would like to submit some of the look-a-likes to the blog, so that our friends and fans can enjoy them. As a side note we, as teammates, like to razz each other a bit, but only in jest. Here are just a few that we have compiled so far.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Preparing for Ouachita

The Rams have spent the early part of this week working out a few minor details before opening day, Saturday against Ouachita Baptist. The action is set to begin at 1 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday.

On Wednesday, the Rams were washed out from practice as rain fell steadily over the Concho Valley. This provided ample time for the Rams to catch up on class work and get in an extra gym workout before the busy season schedule arrives. The players are very excited to get underway and with good reason. The Rams have been picked in the top 25 in three college baseball rankings; their highest coming in at number 10 by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association. Ping! Baseball ranked the Rams 16th and Collegiate Baseball ranked the boys of summer 21st. In all, there is a lot to be excited about. It’s going to be a great season.

The Rams have many players returning, looking to improve on last year’s marks, while many of the newcomers add to what Yogi Berra would call our “Deep Depth.” It’s going to be a very exciting year. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Ballpark! Here’s to another great Angelo State baseball season.


Below are videos filmed by injured Ram, Brian Brademan, during practice on Monday.

And for a little Fun...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meet the Rams - Janca, Garcia, Springfield

Hello again Ram fans. It’s been quite some time since I have had a chance to do this and with the spring just around the corner I feel there is no better time. Today I would like to introduce one of our team captain’s, Sam Janca as well as seniors, Isaac Garcia and Jerris Springfield.

This year, your Rams voted to elect team captains. The criteria for the vote were: 1) the individual must exemplify strength of character, 2) be a great role model, 3) be a good competitor and 4) be an overall great teammate. The vote was unanimous. Seniors Chris Adamson and San Janca were chosen to lead the Rams during the 2010 campaign. The results came as no surprise to anyone in the locker room. Sam and Chris have both shown their natural ability to lead both on and off the field.

Sam Janca, a senior out of Georgetown arrived at Angelo State after a two-year stint with Texas Tech University. Since arriving last fall, Sam has established himself as a mainstay in the Ram rotation. Janca truly is one of the greatest competitors that I have ever had the privilege to play with. His will and determination were displayed on several occasions last year, including his gutsy 10-inning performance against Abilene Christian in the regional semifinals. Janca will never take credit for the win, rather he acts in a manner that reflects what he deems to be the best advice he has ever been given, “be humble.” Sam works just as hard off the field as he does on. During his down time, he and former Ram, Clay Calfee work to develop their Double Barrel Outfitters brand which specializes in guided hunts in west Texas. So whether you’re on the ball field or out hunting the fields, Sam Janca is your guy and we’re happy he’s a Ram.

A few things according to Sam:

Hobbies: Hunting, Drinking Coffee
Major: Animal Business
Favorite Car: Dodge Diesel
Favorite Movie: Buck Commander
Favorite Food: BBQ
Favorite Quote: “Y’all can go to hell and I will go to Texas” – Davy Crockett

Isaac Garcia spent the latter half of the 2009 season on the bench with a wrist injury. He started 39 consecutive games before falling to injury against Abilene Christian. Garcia, who was hitting .386 with seven home runs and 36 RBI seems to have fully recovered in the off season, as he has lead the Rams in hitting both through the fall and early spring. Isaac, a native of El Paso, has many interests that he pursues away from the baseball field, which includes a great passion for music, cars and studying cultures. It’s good to have Isaac back for 2010.

A few things according to Isaac:

Nickname: IZZY
Major: Kinesiology
Favorite Car: Range Rover
Favorite Movie: Man on Fire
Favorite TV Show: Jim Rome is Burning
Dream Job: Professional Baseball Player

Jerris Springfield of New Braunfels returns for his senior season with the Rams. Jerris (or Jerry, according to his favorite professor, Dr. Kara), is majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. Springfield made 16 appearances in relief during the 2009 season, where he earned one win. The Rams hope that Jerris is able to carry his performance over to the coming 2010 season.

A few things according to Jerris:

Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, Golf
Favorite Class: Marketing
Favorite Car: Ford F-250 Super Duty
Favorite Movie: Tombstone
Favorite Band: Cory Morrow
Favorite Book: Money Ball
Favorite place to Visit: Deer Lease
Dream Job: Fishing Guide

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rams return to class

“A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions.” – Anonymous

The Rams have returned to class for what is sure to be another outstanding semester. Many spent the day gathering syllabi and collecting the necessary course materials; while others were thrown directly into the fire and came to practice still shocked that the semester has begun. Today was a short, yet very productive practice. The Rams took a break from playing games against each other to work on some fundamental skills. Wednesday, the Rams will take a well deserved day off from team workouts.

Off days are a bit of a rare commodity during the spring semester for baseball players, so when they come about, most take full advantage of them. Often, many of the players will treat themselves to a nice dinner out at a restaurant in town. With the season coming up, many parents and guests will be visiting the San Angelo area. With that in mind I thought this would be a good time to share with our friends, family and fans what the players feel are the five best dining establishments that are unique to San Angelo.

Number 5: Baker Street Coffee House

Offering many different types of coffee and tea’s, Baker Street also offers a deli style menu. Many students spend their nights studying and visiting in the quiet lounge area. They also offer some live entertainment from time to time. If you want a quiet place to grab coffee before these cold opening series, I would recommend Baker Street Coffee House.

Number 4: Old Time Pit BBQ

Located just around the corner from the Ballpark, this place offers what is truly an old time BBQ experience. Patrons walk into the pit itself and choose the cuts of meat they want. The helpings are quite large, especially for the price. If you’re in the mood for good BBQ in San Angelo, look no further.

Number 3: Road Runner Burger Deli

Whether you are stopping in for a bite before the games, or just want a good burger between classes Road Runner is the place to go. Because of it’s proximity to campus, many students frequent this place daily. The food is always good and always fast.

Number 2: Miss Hattie’s CafĂ© and Saloon

After reading the Texas Monthly article which rated the Miss Hattie Burger the 26th best in Texas, this has become a frequent stop for many of the players. The burger really does speak for itself. I, along with many others would strongly recommend visiting Miss Hattie’s on your next visit.

Number 1: The Grill

Founded by Virginia Dalbeck-Armenta of “Hell’s Kitchen” fame, this has become a stop for many players looking for a quiet place to sit down and eat or to take family for a nice dinner. The atmosphere is not something common to San Angelo, and the kitchen is open for viewing throughout the restaurant. The Grill offers a very unique menu, with a flair all its own. This is a one of a kind place. The Ram’s highly recommend you drop in.

These are just a few suggestions of the many places that are great to eat here in San Angelo. I hope that they will be of some help while you, our friends, family and fans are planning your next visit. On a side note, Jason Morriss wanted me to include his two favorite restaurants. Sometimes, the man from down under just needs some home cooking, which is why he frequents Outback Steakhouse when he goes out for dinner. Jason then went on to say “The Student Special at Golden Chick is by far the best value in or around San Angelo. A college student just could not survive without it.”

So whether you’re looking for value, or a unique one of a kind dining experience, you can find it on your next trip to San Angelo. See you at the ballpark.

Go Rams!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baseball season: Now open

This fall felt like waiting for a package that would never arrive. But, by the soreness in my legs right now, I can say with great confidence that baseball season in San Angelo, Texas, has finally arrived.

Beginning on Sunday, the Rams began their two-a-day practices that have continued through Thursday. Each day the Rams have worked hard at refining the skills that they had gained during the fall workouts. Many teams across the country are using this week to knock the rust off, but the Rams worked very hard over the winter break to come back ready. The greatest evidence of that was on the first day. In order for the players to receive their practice gear, they had to first complete five, 300-yard shuttle runs under a given amount of time. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the 300-yard shuttle, it is comprised of running five, 60-yard lengths. The Rams showed they were ready to get started with the season and everyone earned their practice gear. Since then your Rams have had several good days of practice and are making daily strides toward a great season.

With just a few weeks until the first game, Friday begins our series of Intrasquad games which will be used as what Coach Brooks calls “dress rehearsals” for our opening day on February 6 against Ouachita Baptist. There is a lot of excitement building in the locker room as we prepare to get underway.

This season will surely bring many stories that will fuel this blog. I apologize for not updating over the winter break, but like many of our Rams I returned home to enjoy the holidays with family and was not in direct contact on a daily basis. As promised, I will continue to introduce all of the Ram players this week and next before classes begin on Tuesday.

Welcome back Ram fans. It’s baseball season.

Go Rams!