Monday, April 12, 2010

Get The Chicken

The Angelo State Rams set a conference record this past weekend by hitting five triples in one game. The previous record was four, set by Eastern New Mexico and dated back to 1994. The record had been tied eight times, but was never bested until this past weekend. Several fans have asked what the dugout yells as a player runs around the bases.

If it looks as though as player has a chance at getting a triple, the dugout erupts “GET THE CHICKEN.” More often than not, this occurs after a single player first yells the phrase. From there it becomes an indistinguishable roar until the player reaches third. The genesis of the phrase comes from Rocky II. In the movie, Rocky chases a chicken to train for an upcoming fight. As his coach Mickey tells him, “If you can catch this thing, you can catch greased lightning.”
So, like Mick, the dugout adds words of encouragement as our players round the bases. Strangely, due to this phrase, the word “triple” has been absent for quite some time in the Angelo State locker room. For example:

“Isaac Garcia only needed to get the chicken for the cycle.” Or “Clay Puckett was 2 for 4 on the day with a single and a chicken.”

The Rams play in Durant, Oklahoma this coming weekend, but return to Foster Field the following Tuesday against Hardin Simmons at 6 pm. We hope you can help us cheer:

“Get The Chicken”